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Job Post Details

Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology

Universität Basel
4001 Bâle, BS
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Détails de l'emploi

Type de poste

  • Temps partiel


4001 Bâle, BS

Description du poste

Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology

100% from 01.08.2025, or by arrangement

The Faculty of Psychology is one of seven faculties of the oldest university in Switzerland. With our core focus on Society & Choice and Health & Interventions, we are successful both nationally and internationally in our research and study programs. The Felix Platter University Hospital for Geriatric Medicine is the largest center for geriatric medicine in Switzerland, with a strong track record in teaching and research. It is renowned for its high-quality inpatient and outpatient services in the field of dementia. The Faculty of Psychology of the University of Basel and the Felix Platter University Hospital for Geriatric Medicine are jointly seeking to fill a tenure-track assistant professorship of clinical neuropsychology starting fall semester 2025, or by arrangement. The position is 60% at the University of Basel and 40% at the Felix Platter University Hospital for Geriatric Medicine.

Your position

You will investigate connections between the functioning of the brain and human thinking, experience, and behavior, ideally with a focus on older people. Through your outstanding research, you will make a significant contribution to a better understanding of neurological and psychological processes. You will incorporate findings from research into neuropsychological disorders into new diagnostic and evaluation methods as well as innovative prevention and therapy programs. You will devote 60% of your time to conducting research at the Faculty of Psychology and offering teaching in the bachelor and master programs (biological foundations, clinical neuropsychology, and related fields). You will make a significant contribution to raising the profile of the research focus Health & Interventions through studies, publications, and third-party funding. With a focus on clinical neuropsychology, you will establish an innovative research program (for example, with regard to developmental, stress, or decision-making neuropsychology) and create links between the Faculty of Psychology, University of Basel, regional units, and institutions. For 40% per cent of your time, you will assume a management role within the Memory Clinic Basel at the Felix Platter University Hospital for Geriatric Medicine. In particular, you will be responsible for the conceptual and personnel management of the Memory Clinic's psychological services, which include, for example, neuropsychological diagnostics and therapy for cognitively impaired patients. This involves close collaboration with the medical service, in particular with the professor of dementia.

Your profile

We are looking for someone who can establish and further develop neuropsychological research, teaching, and patient care in Basel. You have a university degree in psychology and extensive research experience in one or more of the areas of clinical neuropsychology outlined above. You have a track record of excellent international scientific publications and proven experience in acquiring competitive third-party funding. You have successfully taught university courses at bachelor and/or master level and have experience in clinical practice. Experience in managing teams is an advantage. A very good command of German is required for patient care (level C1). The assistant professor of clinical neuropsychology expected to support the Faculty of Psychology in research and teaching, as well as the Felix Platter University Hospital for Geriatric Medicine in the care of patients. At the University of Basel, a willingness to engage in dedicated teaching and active participation in academic self-administration, together with cooperative collaboration within the Faculty of Psychology, is essential. At the Felix Platter University Hospital for Geriatric Medicine, a collaborative and goal-orientated approach to management is expected, to ensure an attractive working environment for academic and clinical specialists.

We offer you

The position will be filled as a tenure-track assistant professorship with development potential up to full professorship. The Faculty of Psychology offers an attractive research environment with modern IT infrastructure and services. The Felix Platter University Hospital for Geriatric Medicine offers an interdisciplinary and interprofessional working environment with the highest level of expertise as well as a wide range of opportunities in a responsible management role. The University of Basel stands for excellence through diversity and is committed to equal opportunities and family friendliness. In its endeavors to increase the proportion of female professors, the University of Basel is particularly interested in receiving applications from women. Promotions are implemented in accordance with University of Basel guidelines.

Application / Contact Candidates are requested to submit their complete application documents, written in English and in the order specified, as a single PDF file (max. 10 MB) by and including February 17, 2025 via the University of Basel online application portal. Applications via other channels will not be considered. The application documents should comprise the following:

  • Letter of motivation
  • CV, including details of previous clinical activity
  • Tabular information on net academic age (in accordance with the procedure of the Swiss National Science Foundation)
  • A list of peer-reviewed international publications
  • A single-page research and teaching concept
  • Details of competitive third-party funding, including total amount in the role of principal investigator
  • At least two teaching evaluations
  • Your five most significant publications
  • A single-page concept for the management of psychological services within the Memory Clinic and implementation of research outcomes
Further information For further information, contact Ms. Birgit Brombacher, administration of the Dean's Office:

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